October 11, 2013

Vauxhall Service Club reaches 200,000 member milestone

Vauxhall's MasterFit Service Club has just reached its 200,000th member. The exclusive club for owners of Vauxhall vehicles that are two years old or more offers significant discounts on servicing and repairs, in addition to being free to join. Following national
promotions, Vauxhall Service Club has been receiving an average of 4,000 new members every month.

The discount on servicing and repairs is linked to the age of the vehicle, meaning that when the age of the vehicle increases, so does the discount. Vehicles that are two to three years old receive a discount of 15 per cent, while vehicles that are three years and older get a discount of 25 per cent.

These discounts are in addition to the benefits of the Vauxhall MasterFit Promise, which guarantees that each MasterFit Retailer will meet or beat the quote of any local competitor within a five mile radius for any written like-for-like service or repair work. All work is carried out by fully trained Vauxhall MasterFit technicians, who know Vauxhalls best, using Vauxhall-approved diagnostic equipment and specialist tools.

"We are extremely proud to have reached this impressive milestone for Vauxhall Service Club. It shows the success it has achieved in making the already competitive offers from Vauxhall MasterFit authorised repairers truly outstanding in their value, which is clearly appealing to more Vauxhall drivers every day. The Vauxhall MasterFit Service Club membership discounts combined with the existing MasterFit Promise ensure that Vauxhall customers continue to enjoy one of the very best service and repair offerings on the market," said Belinda Craik, Vauxhall Service Manager.

As well as celebrating this milestone, Vauxhall is offering a free £25 MasterFit voucher for any Vauxhall owner who signs up to MasterFit Service Club before the December 31, 2013. Vauxhall owners can register for the MasterFit Service Club at the Vauxhall Drivers' centre website: www.vauxhalldriverscentre.co.uk.


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