February 07, 2012

£30,000 Subaru Outback won in national charity prize draw

Following last year’s hugely successful National Cycle Relay – which raised nearly £40,000 for victims of the Japanese tsunami – Subaru UK has given away the Outback support vehicle which accompanied the riders throughout the lung-bursting 3,500-mile
charity ride.

The winner, Heather Records of Wantage, Oxfordshire, is now the proud owner of the Outback 2.5 SE Lineartronic, worth £28,075.  She, along with thousands of others, entered the prize draw by either visiting a Subaru dealer and buying a ticket or by texting in their answer to a simple question featured on the side of the car.

Mrs. Records was delighted with her new car, saying, “I’ve been a Subaru owner for six years and my current car has been the very model of a family vehicle. It’s taken us on holidays, helped me move house and swallowed all sorts of sports equipment. The Outback looks to be even more practical and I’m very excited to have won.”

Marketing Director of Subaru UK, Kenyon Neads, added, “It was a grueling 11-week charitable mission covering 3,500 miles over 60 legs, and involving 59 Subaru dealers from Inverness to Cornwall. But the end results made all the effort worthwhile."

“The dealership staff who participated in the relay benefited greatly from the Outback support vehicle, which performed faultlessly in all weathers carrying spare parts, supplies and technicians,” added Neads. “It’s satisfying to know that the car will now go to a good home, and hopefully this is the start of a long-term relationship between Mrs. Records and Subaru.”

All of the money raised went to Subaru UK’s charity partner, AAR Japan (Association for Aid Relief).  They are utilising it to help fund mobile clinic services which provide paramedics, nurses and medical supplies to people displaced by last year’s earthquake. 

Subaru UK’s fund raising comes in addition to the 50million yen donated by Subaru’s parent company, Fuji Heavy Industries. The company also provided 200 industrial products including generators, light towers and water pumps as part of its donation.


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